UK self-driving event report: Zenzic Connected and Automated Mobility Innovators’ Day 2025

Moving UK self-driving from surviving to thriving – CAM Innovators 2025

The annual Zenzic CAM Innovators’ Day at The Institution of Engineering and Technology in London is always a great occasion, an opportunity to take the temperature of UK self-driving.

If 2024 was all about the business opportunity, this was the year of economic reality – of major trials coming to fruition, increasing confidence in the tech, notable successes abroad, and a readiness (an imperative, even) to accelerate rollout here in the UK.

While there were plenty of new faces on-stage and in the audience, our host was the familiar figure of industry legend Professor Paul Newman CBE, co-founder of Oxa.

Reflecting briefly on the last 12 months – DeepSeek, tumbling sensor costs, a new UK government and ‘new world order’ – he introduced Professor Sarah Sharples, Chief Scientific Adviser at the Department for Transport.

Sharples praised the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV) as an “outstanding model” of cross-department working, highlighted the 1,600 UK road deaths last year – “a Grenfell every two weeks” – and the responsibility “of people in this room to deliver on the impact of the AV Act”.

Pressed by Newman on which body will regulate UK self-driving – the Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) or the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) – there was no concrete answer, but perhaps a clue in that “We need a revolution in the MOT”. The DVSA then?

UK self-driving on schedule?

Next up was Mark Cracknell, Program Director at Zenzic, who nutshelled the key challenge of moving “from surviving to thriving”. He noted that the UK was “there or there abouts” in terms of hitting the milestones set out in the CAM roadmaps, first to 2030 and then to 2035, driven by government and industry partnerships.

Self-driving investment v risk - Zenzic slide at CAM Innovators 2025
Self-driving investment v risk – Zenzic slide at CAM Innovators 2025

“Where will Waymo and Baidu look to deploy next?” he asked, and “What does this mean for our home players?” Pertinent questions indeed.

There followed an entertaining bilateral: Newman and Opteran co-founder David Rajan discussing the relative merits of the latter’s neuromorphic foundation model, which presents insect brain modelling as an alternative to data centres.

“Silicon Valley companies have been trying for years to build a drone which can fly round any house, and they can’t because every house is different,” said Rajan. “Bees are amazing decisionmakers with incredible spatial awareness. Our software can drive using a Blackberry Pi.” Newman agreed “there are different ways to do AI” but wasn’t entirely convinced!

CAM and net zero

Before the morning break, Ian Constance, CEO of the Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC) and Zenzic, set the scene for a panel discussion on CAM and net zero. “They are on different tracks which I believe will converge thanks to CAM’s potential to go beyond the vehicle, to tear up ownership models,” he said.

The panel, chaired by the APC’s Rik Adams, featured Mike Looney of Caterpillar, Matthew Butters of the British Aviation Group, Sarah Windrum of Horiba Mira, and Jim Hutchinson of Self-Driving Industry Award-winner, Fusion Processing.

CAM and net zero panel 2025
CAM and net zero panel, chaired by the APC’s Rik Adams

Butters emphasised the importance of safety and security. Windrum described self-driving as “a gamechanger”. Looney highlighted studies showing a 30% fuel saving for AVs over human drivers.

“The more you can make AV services commercially viable, the more you can get people out of their cars and into buses, which is great for net zero,” said Hutchinson.

“How and when to scale is a judgement call. The questions used to be about the technology, but that barrier is coming down because people can see it working. The safety and security can be demonstrated, and there’s growing evidence of a commercial return.”

While others were having a caffeine injection, KPMG’s Jenny Millard gave us the lowdown on their work for the SMMT and Automotive Council on commercial readiness across eight sectors. The headline is mining within 18 months and public transport by 2030. More on that another day.

Regulatory balance

Back in the main theatre, Ben Gardner, of law firm Shoosmiths, introduced a section on ‘The regulatory balancing act’ – safety v costs, accountability v bureaucracy, protection v innovation.

Shoosmiths on self-driving's regulatory balancing act
Shoosmiths on self-driving’s regulatory balancing act

The subsequent panel, moderated by Rakhi Jain of Motability Operations, featured Steve Kendall of the DVSA, Yunus Jabalpurwala of Honda R&D Europe, George Lawley of Marsh McLennan, and Marty Zekas of CCAV.

“We need input from insurance on how to make the jump from conventional vehicles to AVs,” said Zekas. Responding, Lawley said: “We have seen government introduce sophisticated regulation at pace before, and we need that now.”

The risk of being left behind on the global stage was mentioned more than once. “CAM is within the government’s growth mission,” Zekas reassured them. “Developing options for testing without a safety driver in the near future.”

Closing the morning session, Paula Claytonsmith, Chief Executive of the Local Council Roads Innovation Group (LCRIG), praised the unique mix of speakers.

Lunch included a delicious deconstructed crumble and a wide-ranging chat with Matthew Butters.

“A challenge of airports growing post-Covid is the need to transport more people from further away, so AVs seem like a good solution,” he said. “Then there’s the potential for airside servicing vehicles.” Again, we’ll bring you more on that another day.

Hard-won victories

Any fears of an after-lunch lull were quickly dispelled as Mike Dawson of Project Harlander detailed impressive progress at one of the UK’s leading self-driving trials – the last mile passenger service on private roads at Belfast Harbour in Northern Ireland.

Designed to achieve modal shift, the key finding was that “The services are only commercially viable when the safety driver or attendant is removed.”

Project Harlander - encouraging modal shift and reducing emissions
Project Harlander – encouraging modal shift and reducing emissions

Dawson then joined probably the session of the day – on first-mover advantage – an info-packed panel moderated by Tom Burgess-Langhelt of PA, and featuring Claire Spooner of Innovate UK, Liz St Louis of The Sunderland Advanced Mobility Shuttle (SAMS) project, Dr Andy Harris of Wrightbus, and Kyle Thomas of Saif Autonomy.

Harlander and SAMS were two of the seven Commercialising CAM competition winners announced back in February 2023. St Louis reported that SAMS is now running 95%+ autonomously, providing a new shuttle service to Sunderland Royal Hospital.

In January, it was confirmed that Oxa would provide the vehicle – their modified Ford E-Transit – after the previous supplier dropped out. Operated by Stagecoach, St Louis said the team “have been blown away by how good the technology is”.

“The minute people go on the vehicle, their perception changes, and that was my experience as well,” she continued. “There’s a societal readiness now. So many great use cases – rural areas, seaside resorts.”

Dr Harris outlined some practical issues specific to buses, for example, if someone steps out in front of a car with automatic emergency braking (AEB), the driver with a seatbelt should be fine.

The same scenario in a bus with standing passengers could have a very different outcome. Should seating and seatbelts therefore be compulsory?

CAM Innovators 2025 panel moderated by Tom Burgess-Langhelt
CAM Innovators 2025 panel moderated by Tom Burgess-Langhelt

“We can prove with data that autonomy can be safer,” said Thomas. “But the US market is taking the engineers. The UK is falling behind.”

Spooner outlined how multiple CAM and net zero projects were showing job shifts rather than losses, for example, with drivers becoming teleoperators and hairdressers being well-suited to roles at battery gigafactories.

All agreed that the journey to this point had been far from easy, with Dawson admitting that Harlander had progressed “quietly”. That needs to change now. We must start shouting from the rooftops about these incredible achievements.

Beyond R&D

Suddenly, the last panel of the day was upon us – on moving from Collaborative Research and Development (CR&D) to ‘productisation’, with the help of grants.

Professor David Keene of Aurrigo explained how UK government backing had enabled him to target the business case within airports, develop the world-leading Auto-Cargo vehicle, and sign a landmark partnership with UPS. “The export opportunities are huge,” he said.

He then joined a panel, moderated by the APC’s Alex Wood, featuring Karla Jakeman of TRL, Richard Jinks of Oxa, Kieran Borrett of Plug and Play, and the aforementioned Jenny Millard of KPMG.

With a transparency typical of the event, it was agreed that any major trial will likely include at least one project change request (PCR) and, so long as there’s reasonable justification, that’s fine.

“Grants can help you pivot into new areas,” said Borrett. “We are not short of demand,” said Jinks. “Oxa has 420 people now and the challenge is to keep the startup mindset, to keep moving at pace.”

The closing spot went to UK self-driving stalwart, Michael Talbot, Deputy Head of CCAV, who emphasised that CAM is an important part of the government’s flagship growth strategy.

UK self-driving stalwart, Michael Talbot, Deputy Head of CCAV
UK self-driving stalwart, Michael Talbot, Deputy Head of CCAV

“As we celebrate our 10th birthday, CCAV has funded 130 projects,” he said. “We see time and again, it is difficult, it is difficult, and then you’re there. Effective collaboration is a UK strength and, looking ahead, we want to stop the stop-start with more continuous funding.”

It was exactly what everyone needed to hear. Now, along with all other sectors, we await news of the Spending Review.

New Self-Driving APPG chair Chris Curtis MP leads Future of Transport discussion at Westminster.

Self-driving event review: APPG Future of Transport, 3 February 2025

On the afternoon of Monday 3 February, we were delighted to attend the Joint APPG Future of Transport Event, featuring parliamentarians and senior representatives from the self-driving, electric vehicle, cycling and road safety industries.

Organised by public affairs specialist Hanbury, and held at Portcullis House in Westminster, it was chaired by new Self-Driving Vehicles All-Party Parliamentary Group chair Chris Curtis, who last year won Milton Keynes North from Ben Everitt, chair of previous incarnation, the APPG for Connected and Automated Mobility.

New Self-Driving APPG Chair

New Self-Driving Vehicles APPG Chair, Chris Curtis MP
New Self-Driving Vehicles APPG Chair, Chris Curtis MP

In his opening remarks, Curtis reflected on the Buckinghamshire city’s achievements in pioneering self-driving in the UK. Just days before, he and the Rt Hon Pat McFadden MP had been treated to a ride in our reigning Self-Driving Industry Vehicle of the Year, the Ohmio shuttle, as part of the flagship StreetCAV project.

Encouraging attendees to “find common ground”, the agenda included legislative priorities, technological advancements, and the societal benefits of innovation in transport. 

The high-profile panel featured new Self-Driving APPG vice chair Richard Holden (former Under Secretary of State for Roads and Local Transport, now Conservative MP for Basildon and Billericay), Fabian Hamilton (Labour MP for Leeds North East and chair of the APPG for Cycling & Walking), Brian Mathew (Liberal Democrat MP for Melksham and Devizes and officer for the APPG for ClimateTech), and Matt Adams, of the Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology (REA), representing the EV APPG.

New Self-Driving Vehicles APPG Vice Chair, Richard Holden MP
New Self-Driving Vehicles APPG Vice Chair, Richard Holden MP

Curtis highlighted Chancellor Rachel Reeves’ recent keynote speech, “How the UK will kickstart growth”, in which she namechecked Wayve, saying: “Investment and innovation go hand in hand. I want to see the sounds and the sights of the future arriving, delivered by amazing businesses like Wayve and Oxford Nanopore. They are the future and Britain should be the best place in the world to be an entrepreneur.”

Hamilton recounted his experience of riding in an automated vehicle at Tokyo airport, but voiced “legitimate safety concerns, especially for vulnerable road users”. He went on to reference the “careful and competent human driver” benchmark, proposing that AVs should be held to a higher standard – that of “a driver with no faults on their driving test”.

That would be a high bar indeed. According to the Driving Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) of 1,945,225 tests carried from April 2023 to March 2024, just 2% were zero fault drives.

Self-driving discussion

Thereafter, the discussion broadened, touching on EV charging point rollout (Adams noted that all targets have been missed so far!), the urgent need for e-scooter regulation (Hamilton pointed to Germany where they display stickers to show they’re insured), and the benefits of more local decision-making on transport issues (something Holden said he’d pushed for when in office).

Then, there were questions from the audience, which pleasingly included a healthy number of Self-Driving Industry Award winners – Brian Wong of Burges Salmon, Dr Nick Reed, Jamie Hodsdon and Oliver Howes of Oxa, Daniel Quirke and Sarah Gates of Wayve – plus Nick Fleming of BSI, Kelly-Lee James of AXA, and reps from Motability Operations, The Motor Insurers’ Bureau, Tech UK and more.

One point made repeatedly was the need for AV Act secondary legislation to be in place by 2027-28, ahead of widespread roll-out, in stark contrast to the tricky situation we find ourselves in with e-scooters.

It was asserted that self-driving could learn a lot from the aviation industry in terms of regulation and accident investigation. It was also asserted that, as commercial vehicles are involved in a high percentage of road deaths and injuries, especially to pedestrians and cyclists, research into this use case should be prioritised. 

Closing, Chris Curtis noted general agreement that self-driving can be gamechanger for safety and mobility in the UK.

For further updates from the Self-Driving Vehicles APPG, you can follow them on Twitter/X – at @SelfDrivingAPPG – and receive a free quarterly newsletter, which you can sign up to here.  

[L-R] Pat McFadden MP and Chris Curtis MP on an Ohmio self-driving shuttle in Milton Keynes
[L-R] Pat McFadden MP and Chris Curtis MP on an Ohmio self-driving shuttle in Milton Keynes

With a proven track record in mobility marcomms and events, the Self-Driving PR team work closely with Cars Of The Future

Self-Driving PR launches SDPR 4 CAM marketing campaign

Margate-based Self-Driving PR (SDPR) has launched a new campaign, SDPR 4 CAM, to attract creative talent and win marketing communications business in the fast-growing connected and automated mobility (CAM) space.

Head of Self-Driving PR, Melody Kennett, commented: “The global CAM ecosystem is evolving rapidly, with the UK market alone predicted to be worth up to £42 billion by 2035. With safety paramount and utmost clarity vital, it needs public relations specialists who love and understand it. That’s what SDPR 4 CAM is all about.

Head of Self-Driving PR, Melody Kennett
Head of Self-Driving PR, Melody Kennett

Self-driving experts

“As well as a proven track record in mobility marcomms and events, we work closely with the Cars Of The Future editorial team, literally in the same office. This deep sector-specific knowledge helps sharpen our CAM media strategies. It’s a unique and powerful advantage.

“The message is simple: If you’ve got an amazing CAM product or service to promote, think SDPR. Check out our website and invite us to pitch. Likewise, if you’re a Kent creative passisonate about cutting-edge auto tech, we’re recruiting, so please get in touch.”

Self-Driving PR new website and branding, 2025
Self-Driving PR new website and branding, 2025

Full disclosure: SDPR is owned and run by Cars Of The Future‘s parent company, Featurebank.

UK national standards body organises online event to answer frequently asked self-driving questions.

Self-Driving Event Report: BSI Webinar, November 2024

The BSI webinar, “Self-driving vehicles: what’s ahead of us?”, on 13 November, set out to answer as many of your frequently asked questions (FAQs) as possible. How did we do? Judge for yourselves…

Following a brief intro by Nick Fleming, Transport Standards Director at the UK national standards body, Marty Zekas, of the government’s Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV), got the ball rolling by giving a detailed update on the Automated Vehicles (AV) Act.

Formerly Bill Manager for the Act, and now leading the implementation program, he reflected on the huge progress made since the Law Commissions began their review of the legal landscape for AVs back in 2018, and then outlined some key areas for the secondary legislation to come.

Marty Zekas of CCAV
Marty Zekas of CCAV

“The Act covers four main areas – safety, liability, misleading marketing, and the licensing of automated passenger services,” he explained. “It addresses which entity is responsible for oversight of the self-driving vehicle when it’s in self-driving mode.

“If there’s a user-in-charge (UIC), who’s ultimately responsible, and also operator licensing for situations with no human on board, ensuring that we’ve got responsible operators overseeing safe operations. Then we come to incident investigation measures and in-use regulation, ensuring that vehicles continue to meet the safety standards.

“The UK is also working at UN level to harmonise international standards for self-driving vehicles. These are expected to be finalised by June 2026, and come into force in January 2027, which will align quite closely with our regulatory timeline.”

CCAV re AV Act implementation
CCAV re AV Act implementation, November 2024

CCAV have 17 workstreams covering all aspects of AV deployment, from technical performance regarding the dynamic driving task, user interactions, service monitoring and virtual testing, to safety case approaches, the requirements on manufacturers, cyber security, and changes to the highway code.

“A major part of this is the work we do with BSI to set important standards to ensure a smooth customer journey,” said Zekas.

Then came the main event – a panel session moderated by yours truly featuring Oliver Howes, International Regulatory Lead at Oxa, Siddartha Khastgir, Director of Partners for Automated Vehicle Education United Kingdom (PAVE UK), Brian Wong, Partner at law firm Burges Salmon, and David Wong, Head of Technology and Innovation at The Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders (SMMT).

BSI webinar self-driving experts, November 2024
BSI webinar self-driving experts, November 2024

We covered a lot of ground – from the remaining economic, legal and technical challenges, through myth-busting and public trust, to – whisper it – a sizeable shift away from private car ownership.

We started, however, with the ‘what, where, when and why’ of early use cases, so, as a UK company pioneering deployment around the world, we went to Oliver Howes first.

Early use cases

“At Oxa, we focus on a few different high-level use cases – industrial logistics, passenger transit and asset monitoring,” he said. “Then, there’s a whole load of sub-use cases – from HGVs moving goods from hub to hub, and small guided vehicles operating in warehouses, to passenger shuttling for demand-responsive transport, and buggies operating off-highway, doing jobs which would put humans in danger.

“We are developing our software as a universal solution that can be deployed on any vehicle platform. When it comes to passenger transit, we really want to focus on the larger issues. Shuttling allows you to replace many cars with one, improving emissions and congestion. We’re currently supporting live deployments in the US, in California and in Florida, with our partner Beep.”

David Wong divided early use cases into three ‘buckets’. First, automated driving features in UIC vehicles – for example, a level three automated lane keeping system (ALKS) or automated valet parking. Second, automated passenger services – ride-hailing taxis, shuttles, buses or coaches. Third, vehicles for industrial operations – logistics and delivery – first mile, last mile, middle mile or off-road, for example, baggage handling dollies at airports or automated mining vehicles.

“Some of these are already commercially deployed, just perhaps not in large numbers,” he said. “Passenger cars fitted with ALKS, the world’s first automated driving feature (under United Nations technical regulation 157), have seen early deployment in very small numbers in Germany, California and Nevada.

“There are already ride hailing vehicles in San Francisco, Phoenix and LA, and shuttles running in Florida and California, and a commercial service in Wuhan, China, which I understand has been very successful. For the third application, we can already see pilot deployment of automated middle mile and long-haul trucking services in America, particularly in Texas.”

Brian Wong noted that, by the time the first authorised, approved, certified and licensed AV takes to a UK public road, it will probably be the most tested and validated vehicle in the country.

Returning to the ‘why self-driving?’ question, Khastgir said: “The UK has good road safety, but not great. For the last 10 years, we’ve had 1 ,700 deaths on our roads and it has stagnated at that level.

“The Secretary of State, Louise Haigh, told the Transport Select Committee that road safety should be considered a pandemic,” he said. “So, it’s important to appreciate that technology, ADAS and automation, will provide near term benefits.”

Remaining challenges

Next question: The remaining challenges – economic, legal and technical (everything apart from public trust, which we’ll come to in a moment).

Talking about last year’s Mi-Link project, the UK’s 1st fully electric autonomous bus trial, John Birtwistle of First Bus asserted that the most significant hurdle is now financial.

Brian Wong said: “I know John very well, and we should listen to him, because his company has moved hundreds of millions of people.  Those of us who have been around this industry for a while know that a lot of roadmaps have been produced to bring connected and automated mobility (CAM) to life. On the regulatory side, the UK has always performed extremely well – all the work by the Law Commissions, CCAV and the standards bodies.

“In 2014, when Burges Salmon started getting involved in driverless cars, via a project with AXA, working groups were sometimes baffled as to why lawyers and insurers were there. We made the case. We explained what needed to happen. One by one, the systemic blockers are being removed and the requested frameworks are being put in place.

“The Automated Vehicles Act will be underpinned by a lot of secondary legislation, providing much more transparency than in some other countries. Even before that comes in, there’s a lot the likes of Oxa and Wayve can do using the UK’s existing trialling guidance.

“We forget sometimes that the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) has run in London since 1987, carrying 90 million passengers a year on a largely automated basis. The Heathrow pod has been running for well over a decade, carrying thousands of people a day. These are the ancestors of automated vehicles.”

Praising CCAV and the DfT for doing ‘a fantastic job’ on the primary legislation, Khastgir warned: “The proof of the pudding is actually in the secondary legislation, what Marty was talking about for next year. That’s where the big challenges lie.

“What is the safety threshold? We don’t yet know what benchmarks governments are expecting. This leads to technical challenges – how do you demonstrate it? Also, we should not kid ourselves – this technology is going to be expensive. Those with deep pockets will achieve SAE level three, level four systems, others will not be able to.”

David Wong pointed to the SMMT’s 2016 framework for understanding the barriers to commercialising and deploying self-driving vehicles. “Eight years on, the work remains very much intact,” he said. “There are four challenges. First is the engineering challenge. Put enough time, money and brain power in and somebody will crack that.

“Second is the regulatory challenge. The sooner we have the secondary legislation the better. Third, is the public acceptance issue – bringing people on the journey. And fourth, probably the most intractable in relative terms, is the economic case. It’s not just about the hardware or the total cost of a vehicle, it’s about finding the right business model to deliver value.”

On the economics, Howes emphasised that the high capital expenditure required to buy these vehicles is offset by reduced operating costs. On the technology side, he said: “There’s a lack of native driverless platforms being designed and developed across the world. Often, we’re still retrofitting existing type approved vehicles. The Ford e-Transit is probably the most accessible platform.”

Trust in self-driving

To set the scene for the consumer confidence section, we highlighted a study raised in advance by a webinar subscriber: Liza Dixon’s 2020 paper comparing the scientific literature on driving automation, claims by OEMs, and media reporting.

Coining the term “Autonowashing” to describe the practice of making unverified or misleading claims which misrepresent the appropriate level of human supervision required, the associated case study related to Tesla.

As head of PAVE UK, with its mission to educate the public, we naturally turned to Professor Khastgir first. “Lisa’s paper is seminal in this space,” he said. “Essentially, it’s a very simple concept – trying to sell something as it is not. If you go back to the cognitive psychology literature, there is enough evidence to say that, in order to build trust in a system, you need to accurately tell the person what it is capable of doing and what it is not capable of doing.

“The concept of absolute safety is a myth. There is no technology in the world, be it your laptop, your phone, the car that you drive today, which is 100% safe. But you can still use the technology in a very safe manner if you use it within the boundaries of its operational design domain (ODD).

“It is now the responsibility of every player in the ecosystem to make sure people understand the true capabilities and limitations of the technology, particularly the difference between ADAS and self-driving. The UK should be really proud of its approach to misleading marketing in the legislation. There’s a role for standards too, both in terms of nomenclature and performance. I like the term ‘thoughtful standardisation’ – standards which add clarity.”

David Wong immediately picked up on this, saying: “For our part, as the industry body, we recognized that importance early on, which is why we developed two things: First, voluntary guidance for our members and car manufacturers regarding advertising self-driving features; and second, working with stakeholders and CCAV to produce a toolkit in preparation for the first passenger cars fitted with self-driving features.

“If you ask a person in the pub, what’s an ODD? What’s a transition demand? Nobody knows. So, we must use plain everyday language. That’s absolutely pivotal, because if the public are confused, and they misuse or abuse a particular technology, and something goes wrong, you risk setting the industry back many years.”

Howes asserted that getting more members of the public hands-on with the tech is the best way to build trust. “There are lots of trials going on with Waymo in the US at the moment, which are really improving the public perception of automated vehicles, but it’s very limited in the UK and Europe,” he said.

Brain Wong reiterated the vital importance of ‘not messing around’ with creative advertising when lives are at stake. As to spurious reporting in the media, our Hyperbolic Headlines strand illustrates the scale of the task.

Ownership implications

With Uber CEO, Dara Khosrowshahi, recently saying that Wayve’s advanced Embodied AI “holds a ton of promise as we work towards a world where modern vehicles are shared, electric and autonomous”, David Wong turned his attention to what self-driving might mean for private vehicle ownership.

There is a place for shared mobility, particularly in densely populated urban centres,” he said. “But the personal passenger car that is manually driven, or perhaps has a manually driven mode, will still be here for many years to come.

“There is a coming together of megatrends – we used to say ACES (automated, connected, electric and shared) and now we say CAM. But we need to tread this path very carefully, to find a way to be resilient if there’s another pandemic and people again shy away from shared mobility.”

Quickfire Q&A

Now, with time flying, we quickly ran through some live questions from the audience. How will artificial intelligence (AI) improve self-driving? We won’t have self-driving without it, simple as that. 

How will self-driving cars interact with cyclists and pedestrians? Just complying with traffic rules doesn’t necessarily mean the behaviour is safe. Self-driving vehicles must behave appropriately for the environment and situation. How long will it be before all vehicles are self-driving? Probably not in your lifetime. 

And finally…

Just before we wrapped-up, BSI’s CAM programme lead, Matteo Novati, gave an update on the latest standards work.

BSI's Matteo Novati
BSI’s Matteo Novati

“We’ve heard about building trust through awareness and transparency, and about delivering value and efficiency to overcome some of the economic challenges – these are some of the objectives of industry standards,” he said.

“Our CAM program has been running for over five years. We’ve published 10 standards that are openly available, developed thanks to the inputs of more than eighty organisations. Our CAM standards roadmap is one of the key tools that can help the industry prepare for the deployment we’ve been talking about. It signposts the most up-to-date guidance that is available internationally.

“We also heard during the panel discussion about building confidence and trust in the safety of AVs. Our Flex 1888 proposes a harmonized framework for selecting minimal risk maneuvers, when the vehicle has to respond to issues that can prevent the continuation of the driving task. It is based on the assessment of the relative risks, and tries to shed light on how to select the most appropriate achievable risk conditions.

BSI upcoming work on self-driving
BSI upcoming work on self-driving

“We’re working with Siddhartha and WMG on a new ODD taxonomy to support the safety assurance process that the UN working group is proposing. We will continue to engage on priority areas, including the harmonisation of measurements and metrics, and the potential standardisation of vehicle behaviours in relation to emergency response services.”

For further info, please see the CAM section of the BSI website.

Award-winning self-driving market research by Dr Clare Mutzenich of Lacuna Agency (formerly 7th Sense UK).

Lacuna Agency: 2024 Self-Driving Industry Award Winner for Research

What a few weeks it has been for Lacuna Agency! Hot on the heels of winning the prestigious Research prize at the 2024 Self-Driving Industry Awards, and The Quirk’s Ground-breaking Research Project award, the London-based customer experience specialist has now been shortlisted for not one but two Market Research Society Awards – Inclusive Research and Public Policy.

Headquartered in Vauxhall, on the southern bank of the River Thames, Lacuna was a sister agency to 7th Sense Research US until a management buyout this summer. It is now wholly owned by founders Fergus McVey and Claire Harding.

With high-end global clients including Hackett, Rolex, Rolls-Royce and Arsenal FC, it has held the cherished ISO 9001 accreditation for quality standards and ISO 20252 for market, opinion and social research, including insights and data analytics, for over three years.

Lacuna web definition
A lacuna is the missing piece

Strategic guru and CEO, McVey, has a longstanding interest in self-driving, conducting a UK consumer attitude survey into new mobility every year since 2019.  “With our growing business in the future of mobility, and our luxury and sports expertise, the future is bright for Lacuna,” he said.

“Our name reflects our belief that what’s missing is so often the catalyst for what’s next. It’s never easy to uncover the unknown, but what’s easy has never been our focus. We relish the opportunities ahead.”

Co-founder and managing director, Harding, added: “We have an amazing, dedicated team who have worked very hard to allow us to reach this new stage in our agency’s life. We look forward to many fascinating projects and successful partnerships in the future.”

Lacuna team 2024
Top team (L-R) Fergus McVey with Dr Clare Mutzenich and Claire Harding

Mobility, luxury and sports

Lacuna has strengthened its position in cutting-edge automotive and self-driving technology by recruiting Dr Clare Mutzenich, an expert in Situational Awareness for Remote Vehicle Operators, who earned her doctorate at Royal Holloway, University of London.

Specialising in UX design and human factors, their new Research Director is leading an increasing number of Automated Vehicle (AV) projects – some of which we will cover here, and some which must stay strictly under wraps until the New Year.

“The new name, Lacuna, means missing part or void,” said Dr Mutzenich. “It’s the same team doing what we’ve always done – identifying and filling gaps in vision, bridging the divide between present and future, completing the picture.

“By using all the traditional qualitative and quantitative techniques, and then enhancing them with new technologies like eye-tracking and Virtual Reality (VR), we shine a light into all those little nooks and crannies, transforming lacuna into launch points for success.”

Lacuna driving the future report
Annual consumer opinion survey on new mobility

As a prime example, Lacuna won their first Self-Driving Industry Award not only for exceptional initial research – a survey of over 3,000 UK transport users – but also for what followed – detailed analysis, extrapolation and the development of practical solutions.

Jointly credited to Mutzenich, McVey and Harding, the agency’s June 2024 paper, “Driving the Future: Addressing Generational Trust and Ownership Barriers in the Adoption of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles”, serves a welcome dual purpose – neatly highlighting the challenges to widespread acceptance, and providing a compelling market segmentation strategy.

Self-driving challenge

“Our study reveals two significant hurdles impeding the transition to shared autonomy,” said Dr Mutzenich. “First, low trust and acceptance across generational groups. Second, the enduring preference for private vehicle ownership.

“At CAM conferences, everyone talks about how amazing the tech is, this coming automated utopia, but what we find repeatedly, year-on-year, is people telling us they don’t want it, don’t see the use in it, they’re scared of it, or just not interested. The industry is stuck in a bit of an echo chamber.”

To illustrate the point, in response to the question “Would you find sitting in traffic more enjoyable if you were able to concentrate on other things (e.g. work/entertainment)?”, Lacuna found that the ‘no’ percentage increased with age – from an encouraging 31% of Gen Z, born mid-1990s to early 2010s, up to 43% of Gen X, born mid-1960s to late 1970s, and rising sharply to a sizeable 65% of Boomers, born mid-1940s to 1960s, higher still for those born before WWII.

“Younger generations may have grown up in a digital environment where the blending of work and leisure activities is more commonplace, leading to acceptance of such concepts,” said Dr Mutzenich.

“Conversely, the Silent Generation may prioritise uninterrupted relaxation during travel, preferring to use commuting time for quiet reflection or leisure activities that do not require cognitive engagement.”

Lacuna L4/5 graph 2024
Responses to Lacuna’s L4/5 question

A subsequent question, however, revealed a far more complicated picture. Asking “How comfortable are you with vehicles operating at L4 or L5?” – automated driving, according to the SAE scale – Lacuna recorded the responses by age group across four levels of comfort.

It identified an interesting range of views within each generation, and a surprising standout finding: While trust in self-driving is highest among those aged 30-39, with 8% “very comfortable” with the idea, this halves to just 4% for the younger group, those aged 18-29, less than the 5% recorded for those aged 50-59, and only a percentage point above the 3% recorded for those aged 60+.

Effective messaging

For those in self-driving, the message is crystal clear: We’re still in the foothills of the public perception mountain, and we can’t take the youth vote for granted. Fortunately, in terms of shifting the needle through effective education and marketing, Lacuna have done a lot of great, innovative, strategic thinking.

“To address these challenges, our SASS Model categorises individuals into four distinct groups: Sceptics, Alarmists, Swing Voters, and Supporters,” explained Dr Mutzenich. “To drive public trust, each needs to be treated differently.

“Sceptics are not really against self-driving. They can be apathetic, or worried about certain aspects – like the impact on jobs – or more progressive – keen to get rid of cars completely, not just replace them with automated cars.

“Alarmists often express strong emotional and visceral reactions, reflecting discomfort with the perceived lack of control and fears about advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI). Often women in older age categories, some may instinctively view these technologies through a lens of potential risks, having lived through significant technological and societal changes.

“At the opposite end of the spectrum, you have the supporters. They’re advocates, first adopters. They tend to be millennial men. They’re likely to already be using some automated features, and they’re first in the queue to try more. They don’t need to be convinced. Then you have the swing voters. They’re not for or against; they’re really not bothered.

Lacuna self-driving segmentation 2024
Lacuna’s self-driving segmentation

“To bring about public acceptance of CAM, we need to target messaging appropriately. Supporters bring a positivity and openness. They can champion the technology. Alarmists need to be listened to, and have their concerns responded to appropriately and sensitively. Informing them about remote operators, humans still in the loop, can help assuage some of their fears.

“The two middling groups, the sceptics and swing voters, are arguably most interesting from a public acceptance perspective. Together, they represent more than a third of the target population. They’re not against, they just need to be convinced of the benefits, both for them and society – how a doctor’s appointment on their commute would be a real time-saver, or how self-driving can increase access to mobility for vulnerable people.

“Matching education to target groups is something we’ve been working on with governments and OEMs, but it isn’t straightforward. You might think Gen Z, the digital natives, would be really in favour, but this doesn’t seem to be the case. Alarmists are always going to be hard to convince, and there’s a danger that multiple messages might confuse people.

“Our final shock point on automated and shared mobility is this: Despite all the benefits, and even amongst those who trust the technology, most people still want to own a private vehicle.

“Many people still cherish the freedom and joy of driving, so for CAVs to win them over, they need to deliver an experience that’s not just better, but irresistible. Car ownership isn’t just about getting from A to B – it’s about convenience, personalisation, status, and control.

“To compete, CAVs must outshine these advantages and make themselves the smarter, more desirable choice. With some wary of a driverless future, it’s crucial to sell the dream first – focusing on the benefits, the convenience, and the possibilities that redefine what mobility can be.”

We’ll have more from Lacuna soon on one of the most contentious subjects in all road safety – the moment of machine-human handover. In the meantime, for further info, visit Lacuna Agency

Cutting-edge self-driving and clean fuel technologies on show at Cenex Expo 2024

Self-driving and clean fuel at Cenex Expo 2024

Cenex Expo 2024 at UTAC Millbrook on 4-5 September, branded ‘Net Zero & Connected Automated Mobility’, featured a welcome emphasis on the latter – self-driving in particular – and showcased vital progress on the former – with electric and hydrogen vehicles of all shapes and sizes, and an array of related products and services.

The first stand you encountered on entry was Beam Connectivity, winner of our inaugural Self-Driving Industry Award for V2X. One of the more eye-catching vehicles outside was a classic red and black Porsche 911 Targa, converted to electric and featuring Beam connected tech.

Beam converted and connected Porsche 911 Targa
Beam converted and connected Porsche 911 Targa

Day 1

Headlines from day one included a PAVE UK roundtable featuring new Minister for the Future of Roads, Lilian Greenwood MP, and the Niche Vehicle Network (NVN) awarding its Nick Carpenter Innovation Award to the Callum Skye – a high performance all-electric on- or off-roader powered by a 42kWh battery with an anticipated 170-mile range.

NVN awards 2024 Nick Carpenter Innovation Award to Callum Skye
NVN awards 2024 Nick Carpenter Innovation Award to Callum Skye

“The potential embedded CO2 reductions that have been realised through the use of sustainable materials could be immediately transferrable to other vehicles across the niche sector,” said NVN Programme Director, Scott Thompson. “Seeing the potential offered by UK designed ultra-fast battery technology is really exciting too.”

Full disclosure: we weren’t actually there on the first day, but fortunately The Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC) captured these video highlights:

APC’s Cenex Expo 2024 Day 1 Highlights

We can, however, provide an in-depth report into the self-driving-related highlights from the Thursday.

Day 2

Apart from Beam, other standout CAM exhibitors included Aesin, Innovate UK, WMG and Fusion Processing, which displayed its new Automated Tow Tractor, set to hit the market in 2025.

Cenex Expo 2024 CAM exhibitors
Cenex Expo 2024 CAM exhibitors

“We are fast approaching a pivotal moment in the evolution of transportation,” said Jim Hutchinson, CEO of Fusion Processing. “The combination of our technology progress and the supportive legal environment mean that it’s time for operators of commercial vehicle fleets to plan for the availability of these vehicles over the next three to four years – much sooner than previously expected.”

We spent most of the day in the ‘CAM Main Plenary’, where notable attendees included #SDIA24 judge Dr Nick Reed, Amy Rowley of BSI, Steve Berry and Clem Robertson of Angoka, Mi-Link project manager John McNicol, and Nick South, Patent Attorney at AA Thornton.

Cenex Expo 2024 CAM Main Plenary
Paul Bhatia of ESA Space Solutions at Cenex Expo 2024

The first session, ‘Scaling CAM Infrastructure’ was chaired by Andrea Reacroft, Digital Transport Programme Delivery Manager at Tees Valley Combined Authority, and featured Jonathan Eaton of The UK Telecoms Innovation Network (UKTIN), Mili Naik of Zenzic, James Long of London’s Smart Mobility Living Lab (SMLL) and Paul Bhatia of ESA Space Solutions.

Eaton highlighted not only the AV Act but also the new Electronic Trade Documents Act as vital in enabling the seamless movement of goods between taxable zones.

“We need to pull together all the clear business models and use cases to drive investment in the connected infrastructure to support CAM,” he said, citing the logistics efficiency benchmark of taking 10 minutes to travel 10 miles (10-10).

Jonathan Eaton of UKTIN at Cenex Expo 2024 - 10 in 10
UKTIN at Cenex Expo 2024 – 10 in 10

Naik opened with the quote by mathematician Clive Humby that “data is the new oil”, while Long outlined some of the amazing testing at SMLL, and, as an example of the detail, referenced The Met Office’s research into sensor interpretation of different sized raindrops.

Noting that here in 2024 we are still talking about a minimum viable connected infrastructure to enable large scale CAM deployment, he put it bluntly: “The coverage is not where it needs to be”, adding that the 3G switch-off is also causing issues for older intelligent transport systems.

Bhatia engagingly focussed on space tech and the importance of satellite communications, saying: “Look to the future and make 6G an integral part of the CAM ecosystem. Satellite is part of the answer for both assisted and automated driving – one of the multiple on- and off-vehicle technologies that brings the necessary robustness.”

ESA Space Solutions at Cenex Expo 2024 - 6G
ESA Space Solutions at Cenex Expo 2024 – 6G

One of the best things about big events is they tend to provide a welcome reminder of the basics – why self-driving is so important. Among other benefits, it can help us to tackle global warning.

Deniz Çetin of Karsan pointed us to the latest deeply worrying figures from the Copernicus Climate Change Service, run by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts on behalf of the European Commission: Summer 2024 was the hottest on record, both globally and for Europe.

Using the example of Karsan’s Autonomous e-ATAK, which has been carrying ticketed passengers in open traffic in Stavanger, Norway, since 2022, Çetin said: “People these days can’t believe that once there were lift operators. You just don’t need them now, and it will be the same with drivers and autonomous vehicles.”

Graphic illustration of congestion-busting potential of self-driving shuttles over robotaxis
Graphic illustration of congestion-busting potential of self-driving shuttles over robotaxis

Jim Fleming, of Fusion, predicted the successful commercialisation of CAM within two years. “The UK is moving onto a leadership position in the legal structure,” he said. “Local authorities can take on more responsibility and we need to get the message out that this is coming very soon.”

In a Q&A, we discussed the gridlock-solving advantages of autonomous shuttles over robotaxis, with Ewan Murdoch, of Arup, raising ‘the perception danger of removing the safety driver’ – a subject we’d return to after lunch.

Self-driving supply chain

Following a dash around the impressive vehicle line-ups outside, we returned for a wide-ranging exploration of the CAM supply chain, chaired by David Webb of CCAV, and featuring Teodora Demirova of Zenzic, Dean Zabrieszach of Ohmio, and Dr Martin Dürr of Dromos.

Emphasising the UK’s strength in intellectual property (IP), Demirova asserted that the top high value opportunities in CAM include: Research and technology organisation (RTO), Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) / Authorised Self-Driving Entity (ASDE), software and hardware, test services, and insurance and legal.

Zenzic's top high value opportunities in CAM
Zenzic’s top high value opportunities in CAM

Zabrieszach explained how Ohmio got into AV, having previously specialised in intelligent highway signage. He namechecked AXA insurance and addressed the safety driver question head-on, saying “Autonomy is not autonomy if you have a driver on board.”

Ohmio’s new shuttle – on display in the concourse – attracted a lot of attention and a new public road trial will begin in Milton Keynes later this year. We’ve put our name down to have a go in that as soon as possible!

Dr Martin Dürr focussed first on value for money, noting that the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system in San Francisco costs over $5 billion a year to run, with much of this coming from taxpayer subsidises.

The Dromos system, he claimed, delivers vastly better capital expenditure (CapEx) and operating expenditure (Opex) performance, not only than legacy systems like BART, but also than the new autonomous shuttle alternatives.

Dromos on CapEx and Opex benefits
Dromos on CapEx and Opex benefits

“Our smaller vehicles help to overcome the personal safety fears,” he said. “With the added advantage that there is no strict timetable to keep to, so people can take as long as they need to board and alight.”

Operationalising the AV Act

It wouldn’t be a self-driving event without the percentage of road ‘accidents’ involving human error getting a mention. According to Swapnil Pathak, Head of UK Business Development at BlueBinaries, the latest research puts it at 94%.

The final session of the day was a panel discussion on ‘Operationalising the Automated Vehicles Act – Underpinning Secondary Legislation with Research Evidence’, hosted by Ben Gardner, of Shoosmiths, and featuring Prof. Siddartha Khastgir of WMG, Jamie Hodsdon of Oxa, Daniel Quirke of Wayve, and Pablo Rodriguez Corbacho of Applus IDIADA.

“We need to act on the Act, to build on it with secondary legislation, and to continue pushing the conversations at UN level,” said Khastgir.

Much of the debate focused on the requirements for on-road testing without a safety driver, dubbed ‘advanced testing’, before moving to full commercial approval.

Thanks to all involved and apologies to those we missed – there was a lot of great cutting-edge tech on show.

Clean fuel vehicles at Cenex Expo 2024
Clean fuel vehicles at Cenex Expo 2024

For further info about this event please visit the Cenex Expo website

The National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) has opened its call for evidence on self-driving.

NIC call for evidence on self-driving deadline: 3 June

The UK’s National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) has opened its call for evidence on connected and self-driving technologies to “support sustainable economic growth across all regions of the UK, improve competitiveness and quality of life, and support climate resilience”.

As outlined by Chairman Sir John Armitt CBE at the Zenzic CAM Innovators’ Day in March, the NIC exists to provide government with impartial, expert advice on major long term infrastructure challenges.

Sir John Armitt CBE at Zenzic CAM Innovators 2024
Sir John Armitt CBE at Zenzic CAM Innovators 2024

Recent NIC studies have looked at ways to reduce the risks of surface water flooding, and ways to make our electricity distribution network fit for net zero.

The terms of reference for the self-driving study are, broadly: How the government should plan, operate and maintain the UK’s road network (and related digital infrastructure) to ensure that CAM technologies are accounted for in strategic transport plans.

The Commission takes the government’s definition of a self-driving vehicle – one that has at least one self-driving feature, such that it meets a legally-defined threshold and is capable of safely driving itself with no human input.

The Commission assumes that most automated vehicles will also be connected – able to communicate with the driver, other vehicles, roadside infrastructure and other services via the cloud. It is therefore also interested in the benefits that connectivity can bring separately or in addition to self-driving.

Commissioner Michele Dix said: “This technology enables us to think differently about how we could manage the country’s congested roads, transforming the experiences of drivers and public transport users and giving business productivity a real boost.

“The study is a chance to understand the full implications of the technology for future infrastructure design and operation, and to identify the policies government will need to ensure it succeeds.”

NIC call for evidence on self-driving
NIC call for evidence on self-driving

Self-driving questions

Key questions the NIC is seeking to address include:

What opportunities and risks could self-driving vehicles present for freight and logistics? For example, regarding cost savings for retail and business customers.

What are the opportunities and risks that self-driving ride-hailing services could bring to households and wider society? For example, whether they might prompt greater use of shared transport services.

    What are the opportunities and risks for public transport from self-driving vehicles? For example, whether interventions may be needed to ensure the provision of affordable transport options in certain areas.

    Are there specific interventions in relation to physical highway infrastructure and/or digital connectivity that could enable greater benefits from the use of self-driving vehicles? For example, whether there is sometimes a case for dedicated lanes or other segregation.

    To what extent could self-driving vehicles help address existing inequalities and improve transport inclusion? For example, for people who are unable to drive due to a disability or age.

    Deadline: 3 June

    Responses should be sent via email to [email protected] by the end of Monday 3 June 2024.

    An interim report is expected in summer 2024, with the Commission’s full conclusions due in February 2025.

    For further info please see the NIC website.

    Cars of the Future self-driving event report: Zenzic CAM Innovators 2024

    Enormous UK self-driving business opportunity: Zenzic CAM Innovators 2024

    A perennial highlight of the self-driving calendar, mid-March means Zenzic Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) Innovators’ Day at the IET in London.

    If 2022 celebrated the shared vision of societal benefits, and last year focused on global R&D leadership, CAM Innovators 2024 majored on the self-driving business case.

    Keynote speakers

    With Minister of State for the Investment Security Unit, Nusrat Ghani MP, as the first keynote speaker, there was an immediate sense that UK self-driving had truly arrived. Not in theory, but in Parliament, in international finance markets, and in providing quality services to the paying public.

    In a short welcome speech, self-driving industry legend Prof. Paul Newman CBE, described the process of gaining National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) approval for the Oxa Driver-powered Beep shuttles in Florida.

    He highlighted the extraordinary progress in AI over the last three years, the importance of the AV Bill, and the need to progress beyond R&D to real-world issues like where to deploy.

    He then introduced Ghani, who also focused on commercialisation. “Self-driving represents an enormous opportunity,” she said. “The AV Bill provides a comprehensive framework for British firms to lead the world in greener, safer and more reliable transport.”

    Self-driving industry legend Prof. Paul Newman and Nusrat Ghani MP at Zenzic CAM Innovators 2024
    Self-driving legend Prof. Paul Newman and Nusrat Ghani MP at Zenzic CAM Innovators 2024

    Following a ‘fireside chat’ with Ghani covering the necessity to build trust and the role of local authorities, Newman then introduced the second keynote speaker: Sir John Armitt CBE, Chairman of the National Infrastructure Committee (NIC).

    Sir John opened with the famous quote by Peter Drucker that “culture eats strategy for breakfast”. He explained that the NIC exists to provide the UK government with impartial, expert advice on major long term infrastructure challenges. “The opportunities offered by these technologies are amazing,” he said, “and uncertainty should not be a reason to do nothing.”

    Media huddle

    Us journos were then whisked off for a ‘media huddle’ with the Minister, Sir John and Newman, at which we were encouraged to ask difficult questions.

    Ok. So, how are hard-pressed local authorities expected to fund investment in self-driving services? What is the likely timescale for widespread UK rollout? Has the Cruise incident in America changed the thinking over here?

    There was broad agreement that the commercial market doesn’t always work for essential public transport. Without putting a date on it, Newman likened self-driving adoption to water flowing downhill – it will quickly find its way and there will be countless second order effects.

    Sir John Armitt CBE at Zenzic CAM Innovators 2024
    Sir John Armitt CBE at Zenzic CAM Innovators 2024

    Taking a helicopter view, Sir John pointed out that complexities were only to be expected in such technically advanced engineering, and that even Brunel delivered late and over budget!

    Unfortunately, these media duties meant we missed the shaping regulation session, notably featuring George Ivanov, Head of International Policy at Waymo. He apparently expressed frustration at the lack of legislative progress in the UK and refused to be drawn on when Waymo might begin operating here.

    Self-driving successes

    After a short break, Mark Cracknell, Program Director at Zenzic, walked us through “12 months of success”, including the announcement of Cohort 4, the expansion of CAM Testbed UK (now including Catesby Tunnel and Tees Valley), and the launch of PAVE UK.

    UK self-driving R&D facilities: CAM Testbed
    UK self-driving R&D facilities: CAM Testbed

    Alan Walker of Syselek then moderated a panel on developing the CAM supply chain featuring Dr. Martin Dürr of Dromos, Laura O’Neill of Belfast Harbour, Steven Russell of Stagecoach, and Steve Sutcliffe of Nissan – at least two more Self-Driving Industry Award winners there!

    Dürr was the first, but not the last, speaker to praise CCAV and Zenzic for their commercial acumen. “We moved to the UK because of their support,” he said. “We are now close to our first deployment, are involved in an exciting project to revitalise old railways using the Dromos system, and are also looking at manufacturing our vehicles here.”

    Next up, Agnessa Spanellis, senior lecturer in systems thinking at Edinburgh University, hosted a panel on trust and acceptance with Jonathan Smith of MFM, Ed Houghton of DG Cities, Gordon McCullough of the Research Institute for Disabled Consumers (RiDC), and urban designer Helen Ng of Jacobs.

    Although improved accessibility is one of the most frequently quoted benefits of self-driving, McCullough reported that the disabled community are already starting to feel excluded. This cannot be ignored and we will bring you more from the RiDC in the coming weeks.

    Following a short morning wrap-up by Kate Jack, of Standec, it was lunchtime. Amidst intense networking, the fish and chips was undoubtedly the dish of choice.

    Self-driving insurance

    Far from a post-lunch lull, the afternoon kicked-off with probably the best panel of the day – on insurance. Charlotte Greenacre, of Thatcham Research, laid the groundwork. For starters, some insurers are now refusing to insure EVs, much of our legislation is “not fit for the modern world”, and that’s before we even get into the different liabilities.

    Over to Jonathan Fong, of the Association of British Insurers (ABI), to moderate a panel featuring Matt Daley of rFpro, Chris Jones of Admiral Pioneer, Rebecca Marsden of Oxa, Sam Tiltman of Marsh, and Jamie Wilson of Alexander Dennis.

    Self-driving insurance panel at Zenzic CAM Innovators 2024
    Self-driving insurance panel at Zenzic CAM Innovators 2024

    Wilson outlined the challenges of evaluating risk in the continually changing environment of a bus route, and the considerably more difficult task of doing similar for free-roaming cars.

    “Insurance is mission critical in preparation for mass market adoption, and will look very different from personal lines,” said Marsden. Tiltman predicted that self-driving would “terraform” insurance over the next two decades, resulting in less accidents, less deaths and dramatically increased logistical efficiencies.

    On the requirement in the AV Bill for data sharing in the event of an accident, Daley raised the enticing prospect of using simulation to literally show exactly what happened.

    In the home straight now, Eman Martin-Vignerte, Government Affairs Director at Bosch UK, explained how a partnership with WeRide enabled them to develop a Level 4 car in just 18 months. The three key challenges now, she asserted, are complexity, homologation and scalability.

    Self-driving commercialisation

    The final panel of the day, “Getting the show on the road”, provided pleasing evidence of multiple viable UK self-driving businesses. Moderated by Amy Marshall of PA Consulting, it featured Miles Garner of Aurrigo, Jim Hutchinson of Fusion Processing, Ben Jardine of eVersum, Louise Lawrence of WSP, and Ian Pulford of Ohmio UK.

    Not only a leader in self-driving passenger vehicle manufacturing, Coventry-based Aurrigo is enjoying commercial success in automated baggage handling, notably at the multi-award-winning Changi Airport in Singapore. “We now have paying customers, and we thank Innovate, CCAV and Zenzic for their help in getting us here,” said Garner.

    Fusion, of course, provided software to our reigning Self-Driving Vehicle of the Year champion, CAVForth, which has already given tens of thousands of passengers their first taste of self-driving public transport in Scotland. “The next step is taking out the safety driver and moving to commercial success,” said Hutchinson.

    Summarising the info-packed day, former Minister of State for Digital and Creative Industries, now executive chair at WMG, Margot James, reflected on the ability of CAM to improve safety and “bring about a more inclusive society”. She emphasised the urgent need to pass the AV Bill to enable UK self-driving to flourish.

    We certainly hope that will be in place by this time next year, for CAM Innovators 2025. In the meantime, let’s finish with this intriguing snapshot – traffic on the Embankment as we arrived at the IET for CAM Innovators 2023, when there was a tube strike, and this year. Spot the difference!

    Traffic on the Embankment for CAM Innovators 2023 and 2024
    Traffic on the Embankment for CAM Innovators 2023 and 2024

    For more on accelerating the self-driving revolution, and to apply for CAM Scale-up Cohort 5, visit the Zenzic website.

    Expressions of Interest window opens for Zenzic CAM Scale-Up UK 2024/25

    Up to £100k grants for Zenzic CAM Scale-Up UK 2024/25 winners

    Zenzic is incentivising entries for CAM Scale-Up UK 2024/25 with the promise of up to £100,000 in government funding for each successful applicant.

    Backed by the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV), the prestigious programme has already supported 22 UK self-driving start-ups and SMEs since 2020.

    Mark Cracknell, Programme Director at Zenzic, said: “To ensure we remain at the front of the global race to develop the autonomous and connected transport solutions of tomorrow, it is vital that we continue to support the bright minds and innovative SMEs who play a key role in developing and deploying such solutions, which is why we’d encourage any business from an automotive or tech background with an idea of how they could help drive the sector forward to get in touch and find out more.”

    CAM Scale-Up Winner

    Lisa Layzell, CEO of self-driving pothole filling robot provider Robotiz3d – one of the winning Cohort 4 companies – is full of praise for the programme, saying: “Being part of CAM Scale-Up UK connected us to major players in the CAM industry and opened doors for us coming into 2024. It also helped us access world-leading testing facilities where we could test in as near to a real-world environment as possible.”

    On track at Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) Testbed UK, 2022
    On track at CAM Testbed UK, 2022

    The ‘Expressions of Interest’ window opened yesterday (12 February 2024), with the Cohort 5 winners due to be announced in August.

    For further info please visit the Zenzic website or email [email protected]

    We celebrate our 5th birthday with a refresh and a look back at our self-driving journey to date.

    Driverless to self-driving: Happy 5th birthday Cars of the Future

    Thanks to Linkedin for reminding us that we’ve been providing news and views about all things self-driving for five whole years now. Happy 5th birthday Cars of the Future!

    To celebrate, the eagle-eyed among you will have noticed that we’ve treated ourselves to a bit of a refresh – technical upgrades, recategorised content and updated terminology.

    We’ve also picked five of our favourite stories from the archives – one for each year – which can be seen as a journey from the ‘Peak of Inflated Expectations’ towards the ‘Slope of Self-driving Enlightenment’.

    Self-driving 2019-2024

    The self-driving story that sparked Cars of the Future
    The self-driving story that sparked Cars of the Future

    2018/19 We have to begin with my Autonomous now: the shift to self-driving feature for the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI). My editor at the time, Tim Kiek, said: “I’ve featured articles on autonomous vehicles throughout my tenure but never one which explores the topic with such forensic rigour.”

    Following passionate but often misinformed feedback from lovers, haters and inbetweeners, we saw an urgent need for a new UK-centric self-driving news source. Cars of the Future was born! The full 2,600-word version of Autonomous Now was our first post.

    Cars of the Future joins the Zenzic self-driving revolution
    Cars of the Future joins the Zenzic self-driving revolution

    2020 While the Covid 19 pandemic was raging and we were all in lockdown getting our heads around Zoom, we were delighted to be recognised as a Zenzic CAM Creator. We decided it would be interesting to find out what other CAM Creators did… and that proved to be a very fortunate decision. It began a series of popular long-form interviews which continues to this day. Significantly, it really broadened our content, from ‘cars, cars, cars’ to CAM.

    The very first of these CAM Creator interviews was with Clem Robertson of R4dar, now part of Angoka: “Fighter pilots use five different methods of identification before engaging a potential bogey, and the autonomous vehicle world is doing similar with lidar, radar, digital mapping etc. Each has its shortcomings but together they create a more resilient system.”

    Millbrook test-bed
    Millbrook test-bed

    2021 As the pandemic continued to dominate, we signed multiple media partnership agreements, notably with Reuters Events. These saw me moderating high profile panel discussions on everything from ADAS to clean fuel and, of course, self-driving.

    At a Small Cells Forum virtual event, we met Peter Stoker, Chief Engineer at Millbrook Proving Ground, leading to this deep dive into both real-world and virtual testing: “The key to the future of self-driving is education, education, education – for everyone, the public, vehicle manufacturers, the aftermarket, recovery operators…”

    Oxa's groundbreaking zero occupancy self-driving vehicle
    Oxa’s groundbreaking zero occupancy self-driving vehicle

    2022 The welcome return of face-to-face meetings and live events -press launches, trade shows and industry conferences. We renewed our deal with Reuters for Auto Tech and signed further similar agreements, including with London EV Show and MOVE. In April, we published our first newsletter – the top story was on project CAVForth.

    Meanwhile, Cruise began charging for self-driving rides in San Francisco. Here, Oxbotica (soon to be Oxa) conducted the first zero-occupancy, self-driving, electric vehicle test on public roads in Europe: “An historic moment for the UK, the transport and logistics sector, and autonomous vehicle technology”, said CTO (soon to be CBE) Professor Paul Newman.

    Self-driving Industry Awards 2023

    2023 saw Cars of the Future website visitors, newsletter subscribers and social numbers almost double. We renewed our partnership with MOVE (which saw me host the AV stage), were invited to the Self-Driving All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG), and organised the inaugural Self-driving Industry Awards.

    CAVForth won the headline Vehicle of the Year Award. Other big winners (nominated by their industry peers) included Alex Kendall of Wayve, Rebecca Posner of CCAV and Oxa’s Newman. It was the best day in the history of Cars of the Future to date.

    As ever, our mission remains: To chart the development of, and encourage sensible debate about, all aspects of self-driving. We’ll soon be announcing details of the Self-driving Industry Awards 2024, and we’ve got other exciting new projects in the pipeline too. Watch this space!

    Cars of the Future 2024
    Cars of the Future 2024

    A huge thank you for all your support and here’s to the next five years!