Training provide Pro-Moto

Pro-Moto’s Smith on PAVE UK, self-driving skills and consumer education.

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Technical training for safe self-driving: Pro-Moto

Partners for Automated Vehicle Education (PAVE) started in America, bringing together industry, non-profits and academics to engage with the public on self-driving.

Robotaxi fleets are already operating there, and the recently passed AV Act means they could be here in just a couple of years. Hence the launch of PAVE UK at the Royal Automobile Club in London.

Skills expert Eliot Smith, of Pro-Moto, talks self-driving
Skills expert Eliot Smith, of Pro-Moto, talks self-driving

Among those in attendance was Eliot Smith, director of Hampshire-based automotive training provider Pro-Moto Europe, so we asked him for his informed opinion on the technical skills required to deliver safe self-driving…

What motivated you to attend the launch of PAVE UK?

We got an invite via our customer Silvera Automotive, who are very into electric vehicles (EVs) and automated driving. Given that we specialise in hybrid and EV training, we know it is better to be involved at the start when it comes to such qualifications, to be able to influence the standards and technical aspects.

There’s no doubt that smart transport can bring significant societal benefits, but AVs face a real challenge in terms of public perception. We think it’s important to offer an informed opinion on what path self-driving training should take – to put our business in the driving seat, and to promote the value of those qualifications to technicians and employers.

You got to hear from a host of self-driving luminaries – what did you think?

The burning question I had, which I didn’t get a chance to ask, was: Given how the UK has struggled to accept or adopt EVs – after 20 years consumers still have questions about how to charge, where to charge, anxiety about range and so forth – how are we going to educate consumers about the advantages of AVs?

We’ve seen it time and again in automotive, on ABS, airbags, petrol injection, the consumer is always the last to be made aware. They’re left with doubts and nervousness, when all this could and should have been solved quite easily.

When the iPhone launched, everyone got it. The way it was marketed, consumers could see the benefits. It was a sea change and got accepted straightaway. Compare that to EVs. I worry we may end up in the same place with AVs. We need investment to educate people.

What about the practicalities of AV maintenance and repair?

A lot of the tech – brakes, suspension and steering components, in-cabin stuff – will be the same as existing vehicles, so that shouldn’t be a barrier. We will probably need common access, like we have with OBDII.

Once we understand what standards are required in the design, production, service and repair of AVs, the IMI or National Occupational Standards can decide whether we can map across current qualifications, or whether we need a new set. That’s the starting point.

Pro-Moto would like to sit on the expert working group, as we did with EV, to be part of the development and evolution of AV qualifications. These will help to educate not only the industry but consumers as well.

There will come a time soon when the AV will alert the service centre to a maintenance need, the necessary parts will be pre-ordered, and it will be a seamless transition all the way through.

Please note: a version of this article was first published in the Institute of the Motor Industry’s MotorPro magazine.

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Author: Neil Kennett

Neil is MD of Featurebank Ltd. He launched in 2019.